ergonomic, musculoskeletal disorders, healthcare workersAbstract
Ergonomic factors are one of the most important risk factors that are present in various specific work processes in the healthcare industry and in different workplaces causing side effects on the health of healthcare professionals. In their daily work activities, doctors, dentists, nurses, physiotherapists and other health professionals and other medical workers are facing cumulative trauma and uninterrupted workloads that lead to chronic diseases and musculoskeletal disorders.
The aim of the study was through analysis of the available literature and studies to determine the most appropriate methodological approach to assess the impact of ergonomic characteristics of the workplace on the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders in health workers.
The most commonly used instruments in epidemiological research in this field are standardized or specially designed questionnaires for: analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms; medical history and checklist for work-related MSD (Musculoskeletal Disorders) symptoms; job requirements and resources; ergonomic risk assessment in the workplace.
The methodology with an integrated, comprehensive, and multidimensional approach is aimed at obtaining a more efficient way to assess the impact of ergonomic factors in the workplace on the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders in health professionals of different profiles.
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