
  • Andromahi Naumovska PHI Health Care Center of Skopje, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Viktor Isjanovski PHI Health Care Center of Skopje, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia
  • Teodor Todorovski


parenting style, perfectionism, early middle adulthood


The family lays the foundations of the personality and shapes the children from a biological to a social being, and accordingly, the children form their personality. The aim of this study was to test the association of perceived parenting styles with perfectionism in individuals in early and middle adulthood, as well as the association between individual perceived parenting styles and perfectionism subscales and differences between them. The study was conducted on 100 respondents, and a positive relationship was determined between the perceived authoritarian and permissive parenting style and perfectionism, as well as a negative relationship between the authoritative parenting style and perfectionism.


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