
  • Natasha Stancheva-Pargov Institute of Occupational Health of the Republic of North Macedonia, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia


Burnout syndrome, Depressive symptoms,Maslach Burnout Inventory, Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), Occupational Groups


Introduction: Burnout is one of the most common psychological conditions that modern society is increasingly facing.

Aim. This study aimed to investigate the predictive role of burnout with its dimensions for depression among the specified groups of workers.                                                             

Materials and methods: A self-administrated questionnaire was completed by a sample of three groups of workers to assess mental health and burnout with its three dimensions (Patient Health Questionnaire and a Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey). Logistic regression models were used to estimate associations between burnout and depression symptoms.

Results: The analysis indicated that the highest average PHQ-9 score had the public group 5.44±5.57 followed by the private 2.72±3.09 and the factory group 2.43±3.314. The total burnout score was 2.55±1.08, which corresponded to a moderate degree of this dimension, and the factory respondents were most affected (2.81±1.03). The multiple logistic regression determined that a low degree of exhaustion reducds the probability of depression by 0.05 times, and a high degree of lack of professional efficacy increased the probability by 10.27 times.

Conclusion: Our study has indicated that depression is predicted by burnout, especially by the lack of professional satisfaction. The use of accurate predictors could prove vital in the early detection and management of affected individuals, especially in high-risk professions. Burnout prevention and burnout reduction interventions should be made to highlight the increasing need for the development and deployment of mental health institutions and professionals respectively around the country in an effort to pay more attention to mental health.


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